Scholarship Opportunity

About Us

Our mission is to improve the lives of youth, families and the communities in Howard County and to support Kiwanis International in their mission throughout the world.

We have served the communities within Howard County since 1940! 

Kiwanis International is a fellowship of nearly 600,000 members in thousands of clubs across more than 80 countries around the world.  Every year, Kiwanians initiate 150,000 service projects and raise more than $100 million for our communities. 

The Scholarship

The Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City, Inc. Scholarship consists of five thousand dollars ($5,000) payable over the first two years ($1250 per semester or $2500 per year depending on school requirement).


Eligible applicants must be a high school senior who is a resident of Howard County and a dues-paid member in good standing of a Key Club sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City.  Applicants must have plans to attend a 2-year college/university, a 4-year college/university, or a trade school starting in the summer/fall of 2025.


Please submit your completed application with a copy of your unofficial high school transcript via the form available below.  Applications must be submitted electronically by Thursday, May 15, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.  Only finalists will be notified.

Questions can be emailed to [email protected]

Selection Process:

  1. A committee from the Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City will collect and review the applications, make the selection and notify the awardee by May 25th.
  2. All papers must be signed at the appropriate places and all documents stated above must be included. Lack of signatures or necessary forms may cause the application to be disqualified.
  3. The amount of the award will be twenty-five hundred ($2,500) dollars each year for two years. It will be the student’s responsibility to ensure an invoice is sent to the club for each semester.  An invoice is necessary for payment.
  4. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure the tuition bills are submitted to the Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City before September 1 for the fall semester and the end of February for the spring semester.  If the tuition bills are not received by these dates the tuition for that semester could be forfeited.
  5. All eligible applications will be reviewed and will be evaluated without discrimination as to race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status.

Scholarship Application

"*" indicates required fields

Please enter a number less than or equal to 4.
Please list the service activities and leadership positions you have been involved in during your time in high school. Include a two-sentence description and the number of years of your involvement.
Please list any type of honors and awards you have received during your time in high school. Include the name of the honor/award, the name of the affiliated organization, a one-sentence description of the honor/award, and the year received.
Max. file size: 100 MB.
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 100 MB.
Pick a core Key Club value (leadership, character, inclusiveness, and caring). Write an essay describing how you have demonstrated this value and how you plan on continuing to uphold this value in your future. (750 word limit)
Clear Signature
Clear Signature

2 Comments on “Scholarship Opportunity

  1. Hello
    I live in Windsor Mill. Is their a Kiwanis club in the Catonsville/Woodlawn area? I ask because my daughter is a Senior attending George Washington Carve School of the Arts and Technology ion Towson. We wanted to apply for a Kiwanis scholarship.

    • Hello Letonya, thanks for reaching out! Catonsville does not currently have a club. Here is a link to locate the club closest to you:
      Depending on where you live will most likely depend on which club you will want to reach out to for scholarship opportunities. Please let us know if we can help you out in any other way.
